Chris Gildersleeve

Director at Gildersleeve & Associates, Gildersleeve & Associates

Leadership and Management | Leadership, Change Management, Emotional Wellbeing

Chris Gildersleeve


Chris is an experienced coach, facilitator, and adult learning practitioner specializing in bespoke interventions that support clients in managing complexity, enhancing leadership capability, leading organizational and cultural change, fostering innovation-supportive mindsets, and implementing effective talent management processes. With over 20 years as a senior HR leader across diverse sectors including manufacturing, construction, technology, and industrial services, Chris has coached for more than 3,000 hours, impacting over 450 individuals in 150 organizations. Holding a Master of Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Melbourne, a Master of Applied Science in Psychology of Coaching from the University of Sydney, and a Master of Business in HRM from Charles Sturt University, Chris is accredited as a Professional Certified Coach by the International Coach Federation (ICF).