Top 5 Leadership Speakers in Australia
by ASB/ on 7 Feb, 2024

Top 5 Leadership Speakers in Australia

According to the study conducted In 2023 retaining talent has become a pressing challenge, they found only 58% of the employees will stay in the organisation for two years. Competitive salaries alone no longer guarantee employee loyalty.

Australia's Elite Orators: Unveiling the Top 5 Speakers of the Nation
by ASB/ on 18 Jul, 2024

Australia's Elite Orators: Unveiling the Top 5 Speakers of the Nation

The following are the top 5 speakers in Australia. They are renowned for their ability to inspire, motivate, and drive change across various sectors. Their unique perspectives have made them influential figures in shaping public discourse. Whether addressing socio-political issues, fostering entrepreneurial spirit, advocating for educational reforms, or promoting personal development, these speakers are at the forefront of India's intellectual and motivational landscape.